Supporting nature's recovery
There are lots of ways you can help support nature's recovery and tackle climate change.
Here are a few ideas to help you get started, along with some links to other websites providing more information:
- take part in our
- boost biodiversity in your garden
The Wildlife Trusts - Help wildlife at home (opens new window)
Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) - Gardening for the environment (opens new window)
Woodland Trust - What can I do about climate change? (opens new window)
Bat Conservation Trust: Gardening for bats (opens new window)
Bumblebee Conservation Trust: Make your space and garden more bumblebee friendly (opens new window)
Buglife: Gardening for bugs (opens new window)
Plantlife: Go Wild in the garden (opens new window)
- volunteer to help look after a wild space near where you live
Durham Wildlife Trust: Volunteer for wildlife (opens new window)
Woodland Trust: Volunteering opportunities (opens new window)
UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme: Take part in PoMS (opens new window)
National Plant Monitoring Scheme (opens new window)
- take part in campaigns to provide better protection for nature
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) - Helping nature (opens new window)
Durham Wildlife Trust - 30 Days Wild, the UK's month-long nature challenge (opens new window)
UK Parliament: Find your MP (opens new window) Find your local councillors (opens new window)
- buy locally sourced organic food that avoids use of harmful pesticides where possible
- reduce your use of single use plastics
National Trust - How you can help tackle climate change (opens new window)
Refill Sunderland (opens new window)
Refill: Add a refill station (opens new window)
- join a nature / environmental conservation charity
- actively record wildlife / plants
Environmental Records Information Centre North East: Recording wildlife (opens new window)