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Default panel with metadata: body + light-green

Similar to the Default panel, the Body panel will output images and backgrounds, but in place of the summary text it will output the contents of the Body text field in iCM. However, unlike the Default panel there won't be the CTA link that causes the whole panel to act as a link placed at the bottom.

Alternative panel types (beyond Default) are chosen by associating any single item of metadata from the 'Panel type property' defined in the subsite extras to the articles being displayed within the Panel template.

You can see examples of these other panel types above:

  • Squares - displays its items as a full width grid of square images, with text that appears on hover/focus.
  • Parallax - displays a list of items in a dark block overlaying a static background that doesn't move as the page is being scrolled.
  • Tabs - displays its items in a tab layout, which will collapse down into an accordion for mobile view.

Further to the main panel types, there is a collection of modifier values that may be applied to achieve different effects and layouts of the panel through additional styles. These can be added to along with associated CSS skinning to expand the layout options even more.

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